Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I don't know where all the snow went but I want it back! I am also now on supervised visitation only to MY YARD! Big D didn't like the remodeling I did to the rose bushes, raspberry patch or the awesome trails I put in the Catoni Aster hedge. He also saw some of Ozzie's work, I was so impressed with your pool! I also got a Diggler scooter to match my eyes but I think it all a mass conspiracy to pull my lazy humans around. My new harness should be here soon from Alpine Outfitters may the urban mushing begin...or so someone thinks. I have also been hearing the word brother lately mom says YES but Big D is not so sure. Any help to get a brother would me much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I hope that I didn't get you in trouble with my landscaping demonstrations. A brother, huh? Please let me know what ideas you have tried. I would like a sister to come and live with me!

